Netflix’s Locke & Key’s Magical Keys Manufactured by Personal Illusions
This is certainly a request that we least expected but could not say no to. Have you watched Locke & Key?
The magical keys that keep showing up in the lives of the main characters in Netflix’s loose version of the popular comic book series Locke & Key by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez have been a lot of fun to watch all season. When the Locke children get a new key, it can completely change what they’re facing and how they’re able to deal with it, so getting to know them is the key (sorry again) to figure out the show’s story.
While the comic series introduces close to 40 keys, Locke & Key season 1 gets things started out with 12. Gathered here are all 12 keys introduced in Locke & Key‘s first season, along with the particulars of their discovery and a description of the magical properties they contain.
We had fun producing these keys and look forward to receiving requests like these.
Here they are: